By these following days I'm working as a scouter, for the first time, like a challenge.
From 8 till 80.
So I use my communication skills (in Portuguese I would use another word for it), and after taking a "long look" in others faces and eyes, I approach them. I do it naturally and fast, friendly and professionally I hope. And sometimes, it's really like a first blind date, with someone that's handsome inside and out!
Between a crowd it's kind of easier because some faces do stand up.
At one point I was looking both kid and mum, the mother was on the phone so I waited. A gray-haired male god passed by, got inside the shop, and in seconds I lost them all. Meanwhile I went to a young lady, and after looked through the glass for the man which fortunately I was able to see again. And there I was - waiting for him to pay and got out, in the shop checkout number one at the precise moment that in the checkout number two the mum and kid turn to appear! No! Oh no! Who will come out first? Do I have to choose? This really looked like a Jacques Tati's script, so perfect!
And as if by magic I was able to take the two first and run for the one!
Taking and leaving subways, buses, trams, trains, places of everyday's Lisbon scenes.
Invited for the movie, inviting their phone numbers.
A kind of public intimacy.
So by these past few days, besides taking a lot of cold, and windy time, I've been taking little lessons. Of how life changes and sometimes how circles do take you to the same places of your past but in different realities. Taking a no or a yes, taking so much sympathy in these few minutes talks, without thinking commercial or about achievements.
The way young or older say: thanks for making me stop for a while, or no thanks, because I've choose no to be a model anymore, or I've already been approached before, perhaps now, or I've just got retired and I'm still wondering what to do with my new life.
To me people will always be beautiful, with all their personal imperfections and dark sides.
To me average or ugly are not marketable but lovable.
To me it's time to continue until the next step.
Thank you all.